Torfaen Access Forum drives positive change for disabled people

man with computer on video callCwmbran-based charity, Disability Advice Project (DAP), has created an action group for disabled people to drive positive change in Torfaen. Torfaen Access Forum (TAF) brings disabled people, carers, businesses, charities and council members together to improve the opportunities and experiences of disabled people.

TAF meets regularly to discuss a range of issues including flexible working, leisure opportunities, healthcare, housing, benefit claims and COVID support services.

Tony Crowhurst, Access Officer at the Disability Advice Project, said: “TAF gives a voice to disabled people and is focused on delivering positive change. By talking through issues and sharing information we are finding new ways to support each other. We already have success stories, with improved parking at Cwmbran Centre and personal training classes, because of our discussions. Torfaen County Borough Council and local charities have been supportive, and we hope more organisations and disabled people will become involved.”

The next TAF meeting is on Wednesday 26th May at 10am via Teams video call. We will be discussing a range of issues including parking, access to places, health and fitness, voting and the social model of disability. If you are interested in joining our meeting or if you would like to know more about TAF’s work, please email

TAF is open to everyone and is particularly interested in hearing from people with disabilities and those who work with, care for and advocate for disabled children and their families.


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