
Blink Films are producing a documentary and are currently looking for people living together whose lives are affected by hoarding.

This is a positive documentary looking to raise awareness of hoarding and help individuals and families affected. It will offer FREE professional treatment to those who take part to help them manage their hoarding and overcome their situation.

Perhaps you have great difficulty discarding possessions? Or excessively collect or buy items that are not needed or for which there is no available space? Is the amount of clutter in your home interfering with your family’s everyday life, your ability to move around your home or even go outside? Perhaps you are refusing to leave the house for psychological reasons and need the courage to go outside again?

If so, Blink Films would like to hear from you.

They are interested in hearing from sufferers and the carer/friend/partner/parent they live with in order to see if they can improve the situation through the use of expert help and therapy.

If you fit this description and wish to talk, please get in touch with: alicia.bailey@blinkfilmsuk.com or 0203 150 2742 and inform her of where you saw this advertisement.

We at DAP are also interested to know if this opportunity is of interest to you. Please contact us via m.morgan.dap@gmail.co.uk

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